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Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
Màu đỏ Màu xanh nước biển Màu vàng Màu xanh lá cây

About DIZA



Address: No. 26, 2A Street, Bien Hoa II Industrial zone, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam

Tel: (+84 251)3892378

Fax: (+84 251)3892379

E-mail: diza@diza.vn; bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn

Website: http://diza.dongnai.gov.vn


Function: The Dong Nai Industrial Zones Authority (hereinafter shortened to DIZA) is a civil service directly dependent on Dong Nai Provincial People’s Committee, which effectuates its direct state management function towards the industrial zones (IZs) and deal with offering public administrative service and other supporting services regarding investment and business activities of investors in the IZs.

Tasks: DIZA carries on its tasks, powers according to legal regulations, decentralization, authorization by bodies in authority and other tasks, powers which are entrusted by Provincial People’s Committee, specifically such as:

1. To submit to Provincial People’s Committee

a) Text drafts for defining functions, tasks, power and organizational structure of DIZA.

b) Plan draft of establishment, re-organization of DIZA according to legal regulations.

c) Combined regulations on working with professional services under Provincial People’s Committee and other related bodies to carry out assigned tasks and power according to “one-stop” mechanism.

d) Yearly and five-year plans to develop the IZs, human resources and investment development capital.

e) Draft of Decisions, Directives, Texts, Programmes, Solutions for carrying out state administrative reform task on IZs under DIZA’s jurisdiction.

2. To submit to the Chairperson of Provincial People’s Committee

a) Draft of decisions on establishment, merger, detachement, reshuffle, dismantling organizations, units under DIZA’s jurisdiction.

b) Draft of documents under promulgating power  of Provincial People’s Committee Chairperson on IZs domain.

3. To assist Provincial People’s Committee in controlling state budget capital utilization invested in building, developing the IZs.

4. To direct, check and set up the realization of legal documents, schemes, plans, projects, mechanisms, policies on the IZs after approving, promulgating; to broadcast, propagate, direct, watch the execution of local authority on regulations regarding the IZs.

5. Re. Investment control

a) To receive, issue, adjust, withdraw Investment Registration Certificate with investment projects under jurisdiction according to legal acts on investment.

b) Organize investment promotion activities according to schemes that had been approved by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, other Ministries, Provincial People’s Committee; take part in programmes of  investment promotion organized by the above-mentioned bodies; to direct, support the investors in process of preparing and expanding investment projects; periodically report investment promotion activities to Ministry of Planning and Investment and Provincial People’s Committee according to regulations on state control of Prime Minister regarding investment promotion.

c) To settle difficulties, entanglements of the investors, assess investment efficiency in the IZs, report quarterly, six-month, yearly investment and business activities in the IZs to Provincial people’s Committee and Ministry of Planning and Investment.

6. Re. Environment Control

a) To survey and approve Environment Impact Assessment as to projects in the IZs in accordance with authorization of Provincial People’s Committee (with projects under Provincial People’s Committee jurisdiction).

b) To receive registration and confirm environmental protection plan for the objects of obligated registration in the IZs under authorization of provincial environmental authority and district environmental authority (with projects under district’s jurisdiction).

c) To check, confirm the  fulfillment of environmental protection construction serving operational phase with investment projects in the IZs in accordance with law on environmental protection.

7. Re. Planning and Construction Management

a) To adjust the approved construction detailed plan without changing the function of the lot utilization and planning structure.

b) To survey fundamental design to investment projects group B, C of compulsory survey in the IZs.

c) To issue, adjust, extend, re-issue, withdraw construction permits to projects in the IZs of compulsory construction permit by devolved responsibility or authorization of Provincial People’s Committee.

d) To execute tasks of planning control, construction, quality of projects in the IZs according to legal rules on construction and devolved responsibility, authorization of competent agencies.

8. To carry on State control task of labour according to instructions of Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, particularly

a) To receive explanation reports of enterprises in the IZs about employing foreign labour to every position that Vietnamese labour has not met; to sum up and submit to the Chairperson of Provincial People’s Committeeto decide under Committee’s authorization.

b) To issue, re-issue, withdraw labour permits to foreign labours working in the IZs; confirm foreign labours working for enterprises in the IZs that are not belonged to category of labour permit granted under Department of labour, Invalids and Social Affairs’ authorization.

c) To register labour regulations, to receive collective labour pact according to Provincial People’s Committee’s authorization; to receive registration of wage scale system, pay-roll, labour norm of enterprises in the IZs according to District People’s Committee’s authorization.

d) To receive notice of dismissal several labours, reports on re-hiring labours, result of annual training, fostering courses for upraising professional level, skills of enterprises in the IZs according to Provincial People’s Committee’s authorization.

e) To receive and deal with registration for carrying out contracts for intern reception of enterprises in the IZs, sending labours to work abroad under form of skill uprising practice in limited period under 90 days according to Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

f) To receive labour employment, reports on labour changing situation; receive notice of organizing overtime work from 200 to 300 hours per year of enterprises in the IZs according to Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

g) To receive notices of location, area, time starting operation and manager, the person who keeps most important tittle of the enterprise re-hiring labours in the IZs according to Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

h) To execute labour control tasks in the IZs, including: guarantee work safety, work sanitation,  build up labour relationship, settle labour disputes, strikes in accordance with labour law or instructions from competent agencies.

9. Re. Trade management

a) To issue, re-issue, modify, supplement and extend Licence for establishing Commercial Representative Office of foreign organizations/businessmen that located in the IZs according to direction from Ministry of Industry and Trade

b) To grant Business undertaking licence, supplement business goal to goods sale/purchase and directly related activities for FDI enterprises and foreign investors who invested into IZs following legal rules, instructions from Ministry of Industry and Trade and authorization of Provincial People’s Committee.

c) To issue, re-issue, modify, supplement certificates of adequate condition for business, Business licence of some items under special control field for businessmen who located their seats and had their business establishments in the IZs in accordance with direction of Ministry of Industry and Trade.

d) To issue certificates of origin for goods producing in the IZs according to instruction, authorization of Ministry of Industry and Trade.

10. Re. Land, real-property management    

To receive registration of land hiring and re-hiring price frame, IZs’ infrastructure expense of investors in building IZs infrastructural system and other functions, tasks regarding management of infrastructural business activities according to legal regulations.

11. To grant some licences, certificates within IZs under jurisdiction, according to instruction and authorization from Ministries, Provincial People’s Committee and other competent agencies.

12. Other tasks and powers

a) To realize international co-operation in field of developing the IZs under law and assignment or authorization of Provincial People’s Committee/ Chairperson of the Committee.

b) To organize the research, application of scientific, technical progress; build up informatics/archive system to serve tasks of state management and professional knowledge related to domain assigned.

c) To check and deal under jurisdiction or petition competent level to deal with violations of the fields of investment, environment, labour, trade, construction under devolved/authorized state-management sphere of DIZA; participate in inspectorate, settle disputes, denunciation lawfully; carry out prevention, fighting against corruption, practice saving, anti-extravagance.

d) To manage organization apparatus, civil servant personnel, civil servant ranking structure, job position, officials hierarchy of professional title, and quantity of working people in state-founded non-productive units; carry out policies of salary and regulations concerning good-treatment, training, cultivation, commendation and reward, discipline towards civil servants, officials and labours under managing sphere of DIZA according to law and devolution or authorization of Provincial People’s Committee.

e) To control and accept responsibilities for assigned finance, properties according to legal rules.

f) To realize tasks on information, periodical/sudden reports of achievements in assigned tasks to Provincial People’s Committee, Ministry of Planning and Investment and related Ministries/Branches; receive statistical reports, financial reports of enterprises operating in the IZs; build up informatics system concerning IZs in the area and link with National Portal regarding the IZs.

g) To organize emulation movement for enterprises in the IZs.

h) To execute other tasks and powers according to law and assignment, authorization of Provincial People’s Committee, the Chairperson of the Provincial People’s Committee.


Các trang giới thiệu khác

Directly independent non-productive units

Brotherhood swear units

Website links

Number of visits


Address: No.26, 2A St., Bien Hoa II Industrial Zone, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam.
Tel: 84.251.3892378 - Fax: 84.25
Email: bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn, diza@diza.vn - Website: http://diza.dongnai.gov.vn
Chief Editor: Mr. Pham Van Cuong - Deputy Director

Chung nhan Tin Nhiem Mang