On April 22,
2021, the Ministry of Planning and Investment issued Document No.2278/BKHDT-DTNN
on the conversion of the National Investment Information System.
from April 26, 2021, the National Investment Information System will change to
the domain name: http://vietnaminvest.gov.vn and National Foreign Investment
Information System will switch to domain name: http://fdi.gov.vn. Detailed
instructions for using the new system are available on the System (manual
and economic organizations having investment projects in their localities shall
carry out online investment procedures on the System in accordance with
Articles 38, 39, 40 and 80 of Decree No.31/2021/ ND-CP dated March 26, 2021.
Detailed instructions on online investment procedures are available on the
System (manual section).
that have not yet registered for an account should make registration as in the
attached form Form dky tai khoan doanh nghiep.docx and send to the DIZA for issuing. Enterprises are requested to
fully and punctually carry out the online reports on the System in accordance
with Articles 101, 102 and 104 of Decree No.31/2021/ND-CP dated March 26, 2021.
Ministry of Planning and Investment is continuing to revise, complete and
upgrade the System to better meet the requirements of management agencies and
businesses. Therefore, in the process of operating the new system, if there are
any difficulties, problems, suggestions
or recommendations to amend and upgrade the System, please to report it to the
Ministry of Planning and Investment (Foreign Investment Department) to collect
and serve as a basis for continuing to upgrade and complete the System. For any
feedback, please contact hotline: 0977.746.363 email: tonghop.dtnn@mpi.gov.vn.
Nai Industrial Zone Authority informs enterprises for the implementation.
Department of
Enterprise Management.