Administrative Office
' (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 211 - 215
ö Chief of Office - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Pham Hung Minh June 08, 1986 Master of Arts in Political Science. 0919940150
(+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 211 minhph.duk@dongnai.gov.vn

ö Vice Chief of Office - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email: |
Do Doan Kim May 22, 1971 Bachelor of Economics (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 212 +84.918.444561 kimdd@dongnai.gov.vn kimdd@diza.vn |

ö Vice Chief of Office - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email: |
Tran Thi Chau Giang Sep 06, 1972 Bachelor of Economics; Bachelor of AppES. (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 214 +84.919.262338 giangtran@dongnai.gov.vn giangttc@diza.vn |

The Office is a part of the structure of DIZA organization, having the following functions:
a) Assist Director Board to execute its duty of managing, handling DIZA’s everyday affairs; its expenditure /income under regulations.
b) Advise Director Board on staff and system organizing, legal regime, about executing regulations/policies towards civil servants.
Advise, develop the following tasks:
a) Serve, assure administrative affairs of DIZA and its dependencies; set up programmes, work schedule, other common activities of DIZA; prepare for workshops, meetings, guest reception; record conferences’ minutes.
b) Keep as archives all incoming and outgoing correspondences of DIZA, control and use the seals, issue recommendation letters, official documents, licences, and other administrative certificates.
c) Watch and carry out reports on DIZA’s achievements by monthly, quarterly, yearly, and five-year period; sudden reports under Director Board’s instructions.
d) Advise the administrative reforming task of the agency. Directly manage the Receiving and Returning Section, the clue to carrying out the combined mechanism of “inter-agency one-stop”, ISO procedure; advise promulgating the administrative formality set under DIZA’s jurisdiction, watch how DIZA internal regulation is executed; collect and classify emulation and reward task; control website system, local area network (LAN); set up and manage informatics system regarding Industrial Zones under DIZA’s jurisdiction.
e) Watch and combine the tasks of checking and systematizing legal normative act, legal executing situation, state compensation.
f) Organize and combine state management authorities in checking, inspecting, solving claims, denunciations; preventing-fighting against corruption, extravagance, negativity on the inside.
g) Generally control law and order in the industrial zones; related matters that were publicized in the media; combine functional authorities & related units to hold periodical staff-meetings with the enterprises.
h) Do the shopping, control and dispatch means, materials and other properties to serve DIZA’s activities.
i) Set up expense estimate, balance accounts, execute & control expenditure in accordance with financial system; collect and manage the use of fees, costs.
j) Manage DIZ staff’s CV dossiers; watch and carry out recruitment, training, appointment, raise, social and health insurance.
k) Watch operational situation of the non-productive units.
l) Be authorized to act as DIZA’s official speaker in some particular cases.
m) Protect DIZA’s properties, common law and order; and do some other odd jobs.
Department of Investment Management
' (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 241 - 245
Email: pqldt.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Duong Thi Hat
Apr 01, 1971
Bachelor of Laws
(+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 241
hatdt@diza.vn |

ö Vice Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Tran Kinh Quoc Mar 03, 1984
Bachelor of Laws (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 245 +84.918.848748 quoctk@dongnai.gov.vn quoctk@diza.vn |

Department of Investment Management is a part of the structure of DIZA’s organization, having function of assisting DIZA Director Board to carry out tasks relating investment activities in the Industrial zones (IZs).
a) To guide process, receive and settle dossier in domain of international investment and trade which are shown at Decision of the Provincial People’s Committee that published the administration formalities set under DIZA jurisdiction.
b) To guide, support investors under jurisdiction in the process of preparing and developing investment projects.
c) To grant Business undertaking licence, supplement trading goals to sale- purchase of goods and other relating activities to FDI enterprises and foreign businessmen who invested in the IZs according to legal regulations, to instructions of Ministry of Industry and Trade and authorization of Provincial People’s Committee.
d) Being the clue combined Department of Planning and Investment to carry out “inter-agency one-stop mechanism” in settlement dossiers on investment registration and establishment registration for enterprises in the IZs.
e) To check, supervise, assess the execution of investment purpose stipulated in the Investment Certificate, capital contribution and investment project expanding pace, provisions committed with projects that stand to benefit from investment incentive policy.
f) Being clue to receive suggestions from enterprises concerning investment policy; to study, put forward to Director Board measures for supporting and encouraging investments; periodical/sudden reports concerning investment situation.
g) To offer information regarding investment rules, about the IZs, Industrial zone infrastructure development companies in order to mobilize investments into the IZs.
h) To advise on the organization of investment promotion activities according to plans approved by Ministry of Planning and Investment, other Ministries/Branches, and Provincial People’s Committee; to take part in investment into IZs promotion programmes organized by Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministries/Branches and Provincial People’s Committee; to report periodically investment promotion activities to Ministry of Planning and Investment and Provincial People’s Committee in accordance with state management regulation of Prime Minister concerning investment promotion.
i) To settle difficulties, entanglements of investors in the IZs in fields of investment; assess investment efficiency in IZs; to submit quarterly, six-month and yearly investment/business activities report to Provincial People’s Committee and Ministry of Planning and Investment .
j) To combine Ministry of Planning and Investment in building and managing informatics systems of enterprises in the IZs.
Department of Enterprises Management
' (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 251 - 255
Email: pqldn.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level:
- Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Nguyen Trung Thanh Dec 06, 1975 MBA; Bachelor of AppES. (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 233 +84.913.833734 thanhnt@diza.vn trungthanhdiza@gmail.com

ö Vice Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Tran Thi Ngoc Hanh Apr 07, 1973 Bachelor of Economics (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 252 +84.946.899775 hanhttn@dongnai.gov.vn hanhttn@diza.vn |

Department of Enterprises Management is a part of the structure of DIZA’s organization, having function of assisting DIZA Director Board to carry out tasks of post-control, import-export and watching the process of expanding activities of the projects in the Industrial zones (IZs).
a) To guide process, receive and settle dossier in domain of Import-export, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and Goods circulation shown at Decision of the Provincial People’s Committee that published the administration formalities set under DIZA jurisdiction. To grant licences, certificates, other documents concerning enterprises in the IZs; to watch, check utilization of the Certificate of Origin of goods.
b) To watch, receive, deal with cases of temporary stop or full stop doing business of enterprises in the IZs; withdraw Investment Certificate granted with projects in accordance with legal rules.
c) To check, watch situation of hire/lease facilities in the IZs; operation state of enterprises in the IZs.
d) To collect reports on situation of using goods certificates of origin; collect statistical reports, financial reports of enterprises; assess the process of expanding and business activities efficiency in the IZs, situation of withdrawal of granted Investment Certificates.
e) Being clue of checking enterprises in the IZs and combine state management authorities to inspect, control activities of enterprises in the IZs.
f) Being clue of watching solution to difficulties, entanglements of investors in the IZs concerning business activities, and petition Provincial People’s Committee, Central authorities for settlement of problems that exceed its authority.
g) Together with Departments/Branches to participate in expanding IZs activities supporting service.
h) To take part in organizing emulation & reward movement for enterprises in the IZs.
i) To set up Risk controlling system for watching and supervising activities of enterprises who registered their official seats in the IZs area.
Department of Labour Management
' (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 261 - 265
Email: pqlld.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Ngo Thanh Quang May 02, 1972 Bachelor of Laws (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 261 +84.918.981681 quangnt@dongnai.gov.vn quangnt@diza.vn |

ö Vice Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Le Thi Nguyet Dec 22, 1979 Master of Laws (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 262 +84.909.609614 nguyetlt@dongnai.gov.vn nguyetlt@diza.vn |

Department of Labour Management is a part of the structure of DIZA’s organization, having function of assisting DIZA Director Board in the fields of labour of enterprises in the IZs within its managing sphere or authorization; study, organize and check the execution of labour regulations in the IZs, to help Director Board in supplying guidance to labour training tasks according to requirements.
a) To set up yearly and five-year plans of human resources development satisfying IZs’ needs to submit to Provincial People’s Committee for approval and realization.
b) To report and assess enterprises’ request for training, attracting and employing labours in the year; plan of measures to meet requirements of employment in coming time.
c) To guide, check, speed up enterprises to carry out labour regulations/ policies according to Law on Labour and other guidance documents on implementation of this law such as: salary, bonus, working/break time, realization of regulation on covering social insurance, compensation for industrial accidents (if any).
d) To guide process, receive and settle dossiers in fields of labour-job, lanour-salary stipulated in Decision of Provincial People’s Committee that published the administration formalities set under DIZA jurisdiction, including: Issue, re-issue labour permits to foreign labours working in the IZs; confirm labours working for enterprises in the IZs who are not belonged to category of granting labour permits; to register, re-register labour regulations; sending labours to work abroad under form of skill upraising practice in limited period under 90 days.
e) To receive declaration of labour employment, report on employment changing, notice of organizing overtime works from 200 to 300 hours per year of enterprises in the IZs.
f) To examine the approval for foreigner specialists to stay provisionally in the IZs enterprises exceeding rate permitted.
g) To receive explaining reports of enterprises in the IZs on employing foreign labour to every position that Vietnamese labour has not met; to collect and submit to the Chairperson of Provincial People’s Committee to decide under Committee’s authorization.
h) To withdraw Labour permit granted to foreign labours working in the IZs; to receive collective labour pact; to receive registration of wage scale system, pay-roll, labour norm of enterprises in the IZs.
i) To receive notice of dismissal several labours, reports on re-hiring labours, result of annual training, fostering courses for upraising professional level, skills of enterprises in the IZs.
j) To receive notices of location, area, time starting operation and manager, the person who keeps most important tittle of the enterprise re-hiring labours in the IZs.
k) To execute labour control tasks in the IZs, including: guarantee work safety, work sanitation, build up labour relationship, settle labour disputes, strikes in accordance with labour law or instructions from competent agencies.
l) Periodically six-month, yearly and suddenly collect data, draw up reports on job accidents, situation of labour employment/management of enterprises in the IZs to Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Provincial People’s Committee and Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs under proper regulation; receive reports on situation of signing, employing, ending labour contract of enterprises in the IZs.
Department of Planning & Construction Management
' (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 221 - 226
Email: pqlqhxd.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Hoang Van Truong Oct 18, 1978 MBA (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 224 +84.933.980996 truonghv@dongnai.gov.vn truonghv@diza.vn |

ö Vice Manager:
- Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Duong Thi Thu Trang Oct 28, 1979 Bachelor of Economics; Bachelor of AppES. (+84.251) 3514520 +84.903.158248 trangdtt@dongnai.gov.vn trangdtt@diza.vn | 
Department of Labour Management is a part of the structure of DIZA’s organization, having function of advising DIZA Director Board in managing tasks concerning planning, land, construction of IZs infrastructures and other related matters.
a) To guide process receive and settle dossier in domain of planning and construction which are shown at Decision of the Provincial People’s Committee that published the administration formalities set under DIZA jurisdiction.
b) To manage, supervise, control the deployment, construction and development of IZs infrastructures according to detailed project approved; watch and speed up construction and development of structural infrastructure construction outside IZs fences.
c) To check, collect land utilization schemes in the IZs according to the plan for land utilization of Provincial People’s Committee on each development stage.
d) To manage and supervise composition of infrastructural works in the IZs in accordance with approved detailed plan and legal regulations concerning construction.
e) To adjust the approved IZs construction detailed plan without changing the function of the lot utilization and planning structure.
f) To survey fundamental design to investment projects group B, C of category of compulsory survey in the IZs; consider and decide design, estimate with projects of compulsory survey according to IZs planning scheme in case of getting devolution or authorization from the Provincial People’s Committee.
g) To issue, adjust, extend, re-issue, withdraw, rescind construction permits to projects in the IZs of compulsory construction permit by devolved responsibility or authorization of Provincial People’s Committee.
h) To execute tasks of planning control, project construction, quality of projects in the IZs according to legal rules on construction and devolved responsibility, authorization of competent agencies.
i) To carry out tasks of quality control: supervise, be main responsible for periodical and sudden inspection of abiding by regulations governing construction safety, industrial safety, prevention and fighting against fire/ explosion, environmental hygiene to projects in process of construction in the IZs; to lead inspection of checking and taking over investors’ projects in case of getting devolution or authorization from Provincial People’s Committee.
j) To receive registration of land rental/re-rental frame and infrastructural expenditure from investors in the IZs infrastructural construction projects and other function, tasks concerning dealing real estate according to law.
k) Periodically and suddenly report to Ministry of Planning and Investment, related Ministries/Branches and Dong Nai People’s Committee on situation of builsing and developing the IZs.
l) To submit proposal to punish for administrative breach with cases of violence against the fields within DIZA’s management area.
Department of National Resource and Environment Management
' (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 231 - 236
Email: pqltnmt.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Nguyen Hai Phuong
Sep 22, 1978 Master of Laws (+84.251) 3569586 +84.907.158221 phuongnh@dongnai.gov.vn
phuongnh@diza.vn |

ö Vice Manager: - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level:
- Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Nguyen Thanh Trung Dec 03, 1981 - Master of Environments
- Bachelor of Laws
(+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 235 +84.918.945346 trungnt@dongnai.gov.vn trungnt@diza.vn |

The Department of National Resources and Environment is a part of the structure of DIZA organization, having its function of assisting DIZA Director Board in the management of national resources and environment in the industrial zones (IZs).
a) Guide to procedures, receive and settle dossiers in the domain of national resources and environment which are showed at Decision of the provincial People’s Committee that published the administration formalities set under the jurisdiction of DIZA.
b) Be in charge, check, supervise, assess the realization of regulations on national resources and environmental protection towards projects in the IZs whose environmental procedures have been executed by DIZA.
c) Be in charge, check the situation of building, operating the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the IZs in provincial area, check the linkage of wastewater pipelines of enterprises in the IZs; speed up the investment into environmental protection projects.
d) Be in charge of watching, guiding to set up and carry out plan to prevent and cope with environmental break-down in the IZs.
e) Combine related authorities to carry out activities of inspecting, checking and supervising environment; settle petition, disputes, denunciations in the domain of national resources and environment with those cases related to DIZA; furnish data for setting up provincial area environmental status quo report.
f) Carry out propaganda campaign, raising legal perception about national resources and environmental protection for the IZs and enterprises.
g) Advise DIZA Director Board about reporting to the provincial People’s Committee for punishing those enterprises who breach the law on environmental protection; transferring dossiers of violation cases to inspectorate of Department of National Resources and Environment, to District People’s Committee for judging according to current jurisdiction.
h) Periodically report, petition provincial People’s Committee, Ministry of National Resources about situation of carrying out measures of environmental protection in the IZs.
Diza’s Representative Office in Industrial Zones
' (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 271
(+84.251) 3892032 - 3967674 - 3514520 - 3569586
Email: vpddkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Representative Office Manager
- Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Nguyen Huu Nghia Apr 02, 1974 Master of Economics (+84.251) 3892378 Ext: 231 +84.918.164366 nghianh.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn nghianh@diza.vn
Representative Office Vice Manager - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email:
Vo Ngoc Chau Nov 28, 1970 MBA (+84.251) 3892378
Ext: 221 +84.913.850544 chauvn@dongnai.gov.vn chauvn@diza.vn |

DIZA Representative Offices in the Industrial Zones (IZs) is a part of the structure of DIZA’s organization, permanently operate in the IZs, having function of assisting DIZA Director Board to organize, direct and control the IZs direct management task of DIZA.
DIZA Representative Offices are allowed to use their own seals according to decision of Dong Nai People’s Committee.
a) Regularly watch common operating situation of each IZ / of enterprises.
b) To receive information, combine District People’s Committee and related agencies to treat and guide enterprises in executing legal regulations on investment, finance-taxation, activities of trade, construction, environment, labour, law and order, and guide enterprises how to set up files, starting formalities under DIZA jurisdiction.
c) To combine the task of compensation for land taking, supporting the resettlement with IZs planning projects.
d) Be in charge, combine related professional sections to guide enterprises starting operation, help them in recruiting labours.
e) Combined check on execution of facilities for rent/lease of the enterprises after granting the Investment Certificate.
f) Periodically organize combined staff meetings in the IZs that have been assigned to be watched; guide visiting delegations around the enterprises/ IZs; take part in enterprises’ approval for emulation rewards.
g) Combine Department of Labour Management and local branches to solve strikes, complaint letter/petition, collective/individual labour disputes.
h) Check, draw up status-quo report of enterprises’ violation of law during their business operation regarding construction, environment, labour; then transfer the case to related authorities for judgement according to law in force.
i) Take part in periodical/random environment supervision of the projects in the IZs at the request of Departments, District People’s Committee; supervise Infrastructure Company that develops projects of IZs infrastructure according to scheme approved.
j) Initially mediate disputes of enterprises, between enterprises and infrastructure company; between enterprises in the IZs and organization, individual outside the IZs.
k) Be in charge, combine professional units to check provisional residency condition of foreign labours at enterprises that exceed the rate defined.
l) Combine Public Security Service to check foreign labours staying provisionally at the enterprises in the IZs, combined tasks of guaranteeing law and order, fire-preventing/fighting in the IZs.
m) Combined execution of post-check task in the IZs’ enterprises after granting the Investment Certificate.
Centre For Investment Consultant & Industrial Service (CICIS)
' (+84.251) 3992023 - Fax: (+84.251) 3994141
Email: cicis.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Vice Manager - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email: |
Do Thi Bich Phuong Sep 23, 1978
Bachelor of Accountancy
The centre’s function is to offer consultant on investment recommendation & trade promotion; to present and display Industrial Zones (IZs) products; to supply services with a view to supporting in operation enterprises in the IZs.
a) Offer information regarding Industrial Zones - Export Processing Zones and other information related to investment and product marketing of enterprises in Dong Nai provincial area IZs to the Embassies, Consulates, Commercial Counsellors, Economic organizations, domestic and foreign investors.
b) Display and present products of enterprises at the showroom.
c) Carry out activities of consultant, trade promotion and investment.
- Specialized in offering consultant of investment, construction, environment, labour, fire-preventing/fighting.
- Organize and supply services of consultant, guidance through setting up files of investment projects.
- Carry out operations of trade promotion and investment marketing.
- Directly or co-organize trade fairs, conferences, workshops… in order to advertise products and attract investment.
- Build up programmes, plans for carrying out and applying informatic techmology programmes at DIZA, at the IZs’ infrastructure. Supply services of telecommunication, informatics technology, machineries and equipments.
- Link up with Viettel Dong nai for carrying out services such as subscription for mobile phones, internet, vehicle tracking for cars and trucks (VTRACKING), anti-burglar equipment for motorbikes (SMART MOTO), money transfer (BANKPLUS), electric wallet etc...
d) Carry out industrial services: advertisement, printing, package design, product models, interior decoration, grond-breaking/inauguration ceremony, green trees/grass covers maintenance and other services supplying to enterprises in the IZs or other organizations/individuals if need be.
e) Fulfil other tasks at DIZA’s disposal.
Skilled Workers Supplying-Training Centre (SSTC)
' (+84.251) 8899000 – 8899330 – Fax: (+84.251) 8899139
Email: sstc@diza.vn; sstc.bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn
ö Vice Manager - Full name: - Date of Birth: - Professional Level: - Tell: - Cell Phone: - Email: |
Do Thi Bich Phuong Sep 23, 1978
Bachelor of Accountancy

Function & Tasks
a) Set up/organize training, re-training, and upgraded training for direct technical human force in production, service areas at vocational elementary level in order to equip learners with practical skills for some works of a trade; vocational morality, sense of self-discipline, industrial style, healthy … to create good conditions for them to seek for, or make their own jobs or continue learning for higher levels that meet the need of labour market.
b) Investigate enterprises’ demand on labour in oder to set up suitable training and supplying schemes. Take the initiative in linking up with domestic and foreign educational institutions with the aim of studying and researching that meet the damand on labour and publicity for the centre.
c) Set up and carry out programmes, textbooks, teaching aids for vocational training as to trades/careers that have been granted permission for training. Transfer teaching contents to the language, habits and customs, law of the country that the labours will come to work for; and bring Vietnamese related law into vocational training programmes when organizing vocational training courses for labours who will work overseas.
d) Set up scheme and recruit vocational learners.
e) Organize activities of teaching and learning, testing, granting Certificate of Elementary Level according to legal regulations.
f) Offer vocational learning/job guidance counseling to learners.
g) Combine enterprises, organizations/individuals, learners families to carry out vocational training to send learners to go sight-seeing and to practice at the enterprises.
h) Organize service of training course on work safety, industrial hygiene, or other courses on informatics, foreign language…
i) Offer job opportunity to learners; supply and recruit labours at demand of the employers.