On August 21, 2020, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
issued Decision No.1855/QĐ-BTNMT on Plan for implementation of Decision No.1746/QĐ-TTg
dated December 4, 2019 of Prime Minister on National action plan regarding
management of Ocean plastic waste until 2030.
The Plan aims to set out tasks and solutions to meet
objectives specified under Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg dated December 4, 2019
taken charge by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; successfully
implement functions, tasks and powers of agencies responsible for assisting
Prime Minister to organize implementation of the action plan; guide, monitor,
examine and expedite implementation of action plan to ensure quality,
effectiveness and stay up to progress.
The plan includes the following 05 key contents:
- Publicize, raise awareness and change behavior
towards plastic products and ocean plastic waste.
- Collect, classify, process and control plastic waste
from the source.
- Cooperate internationally, conduct scientific research,
apply, develop and transfer technology regarding disposing ocean plastic waste.
- Review, research and develop ocean plastic waste
management mechanism.
- Organize implementation, monitor, examination, supervision
and assessment as specified under Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg.
The plan outlines the following main tasks:
- Conduct research, develop and implement media projects
regarding damage of disposable products originating from plastics and
non-biodegradable nylon to sea, ocean, marine ecosystem, environment and human
- Develop and implement media programs regarding ocean
plastic waste together with organizing World Environment Day, World Oceans day,
Vietnam Sea and Island Week and “For a cleaner world” Strategy.
- Develop and implement project for
improving capacity and experience in managing plastic refuse and waste.
- Continue to successfully
execute “Say no to disposable plastic products and non-biodegradable nylon
bags” movement; promptly commend and award excellent individuals in reducing
ocean plastic waste.
- Publicize and promote
application of 5R model – Renew, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in service
operation, provision and daily routine to reduce, restrict and say no to
plastic waste in entities, organizations, managing agencies and enterprises in
coastal and ocean economic sectors; and inhabitants in coastal areas, etc.
- Develop and implement
activities and movement regarding green start-up and ideas for recycling,
reusing plastic waste, using environmental friendly materials to promote
sustainable economy and green growth.
The task groups to focus on:
- Organize waste collection campaigns and
clean national beaches at least twice each year on the basis of determining
order of priority and appropriate roadmap for implementation.
- Investigate, list, classify
and assess sources of plastic waste from land to sea and activities on sea and
- Propose and cooperate with
coastal provinces to develop and implement pilot model of classifying waste and
plastic waste at sources in coastal economic zones, urban areas, industrial
parks and export-processing zones.
- Examine and supervise
implementation of regulations on collecting and disposing plastic waste
generated by sea economic activities, especially in islands with good potential
for development of sea tourism, services and biodiversity that are within 12
island districts and populated structures at sea.
- Investigate, list, classify and assess plastic
waste sources from land, activities on sea and islands, integrate with general
measures and solutions for managing river vicinity, coastal urban areas,
estuaries; enhance control and management of releasing waste into water
- Promote development, approval
and implementation of Plastic waste management enhancing scheme in Vietnam.
* For an effective “Anti plastic waste” movement, in the coming time, businesses in
the industrial park need to continue implementing specific and drastic
activities to minimize plastic waste pollution such as:
- Do not use disposable
plastic products.
- Promote emulation movements for recycling and
reusing plastic waste in enterprises, thereby improving employees'
understanding of the value of plastic waste for life.
- Strengthen the publicity activities to raise
awareness about the harmful effects and risks of plastic pollution on the
natural environment and employees./.
Department of Enterprise Management.