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Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Màu đỏ Màu xanh nước biển Màu vàng Màu xanh lá cây

​           On March 16, 2021 the Prime Minister promulgated Decision No.10/2021/QĐ-TTg on eligibility of hi-tech enterprises.

Accordingly, Hi-tech enterprises must satisfy eligibility under Points a and b Clause 1 Article 18 of Law on High Technology No.21/2008/QH12 and amendments thereto under Article 75 of Law on Investment No.67/2014/QH13 and Clause 3 Article 76 of Law on Investment No.61/2020/QH14, and following eligibility:

1. Revenues generated from hi-tech products must account for at least 70% of total annual net revenue of enterprises.

2. Percentage of expenses on research and development of enterprises (including depreciation of investment for infrastructures, fixed assets, recurrent expenditure on research and development; expenditure on training and training assistance for research and development of enterprises, science and technology organizations, training facilities in Vietnam; fees for copyrights, transfer of ownership and use rights for industrial property serving research and development; fees for accreditation registration or protection of inventions, solutions in Vietnam) over total net revenue less input value (including materials and components serving import and domestic procurement) of each year:

- Enterprises with total funding sources of VND 6,000 billion or more and 3,000 workers or more must achieve at least 0.5%;

- Enterprises not specified under Point a Clause 2 of Article 3 of this Decision with total funding sources of VND 100 billion or more and 200 workers or more must achieve at least 1%;

- Other enterprises must achieve at least 2%.

3. Percentage of workers participating in research and development having at least college level education of enterprises (number of workers entering to employment contracts for at least 1 year or indefinite term employment contracts, in which number of worker having college level education must not exceed 30%) over total number of workers:

- Enterprises with total funding sources of VND 6,000 billion or more and 3,000 workers or more must achieve at least 1%;

- Enterprises not specified under Point a Clause 3 of Article 3 of this Decision with total funding sources of VND 100 billion or more and 200 workers or more must achieve at least 2.5%;

- Other enterprises must achieve at least 5%.

This Decision comes into force from April 30, 2021 and replaces Decision No. 19/2015/QD-TTg dated June 15, 2015 of  the Prime Minister on eligibility of hi-tech enterprises.

Enterprises that have submitting application for issuance of hi-tech enterprise certificates before the effective date hereof and have not received the certificates shall conform to this Decision.

Department of Enterprise Management.

Directly independent non-productive units

Brotherhood swear units

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Address: No.26, 2A St., Bien Hoa II Industrial Zone, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam.
Tel: 84.251.3892378 - Fax: 84.25
Email: bqlkcn@dongnai.gov.vn, diza@diza.vn - Website: http://diza.dongnai.gov.vn
Chief Editor: Mr. Pham Van Cuong - Deputy Director

Chung nhan Tin Nhiem Mang
EMC Đã kết nối EMC