June 21, 2023, VietNam Social Security issued Official Dispatch No. 1880/BHXH-CSXH guiding payout of
social insurance benefits to employees at employers that have not fully paid
social insurance premiums.
According to the Official Dispatch, guidelines on sickness, maternity and retirement benefits for employees of units with insufficient social insurance
contributions are as follows:
1. Sickness and maternity benefits
a) The social security
agency shall pay out the employee's benefits related to sickness, maternity,
convalescence, and health rehabilitation based on their actual period of
payment of social insurance premiums.
b) In case of
childbirth, child adoption, or surrogacy: The employee has paid social
insurance premiums to the sickness and maternity fund (excluding unpaid
periods) for 6 months or more, under Clause 2, Article 31 of the Law on Social
Insurance 2014, Clause 2, Article 9 of Circular No. 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH dated
December 29, 2015 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs,
Clause 5, Article 1 of Circular No. No. 06/2021/TT-BLDTBXH dated 07/07/2021 of
the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, or 3 months or more as
prescribed in Clause 3, Article 31 of Law on Social Insurance 2014, if there
are grounds for determination that the employee has not been paid the benefit,
the social security agency shall pay out the maternity benefit according to
regulations at the time the employee gives birth, adopts a child, or claims
motherhood in surrogacy.
c) When the unpaid
social insurance premium is covered by other employer or other financial source
and changes the benefit amount, the benefit amount shall be adjusted according
to the relevant policy (at the time the employee is eligible for the benefit) for
additional payment.
2. Retirement benefit
2.1. The social security
agency shall provide pensions in the following cases:
a) Employees who reach
the retirement age and have actually paid social insurance premiums for at
least full 20 years (excluding unpaid periods) shall be entitled to a pension
benefit according to the relevant policy in effect at the time of eligibility
for pension.
When unpaid social
insurance premiums have been covered by the employer or other financial source,
the period of payment of social insurance premiums (if any) will be added to
adjust the pension amount which has been paid out according to the relevant
policy so far. The difference in benefits will then be paid to the employee
from the mentioned time.
b) Employees who reach the
retirement age and have actual period of payment of social insurance premiums
of 10 years to under 20 years (excluding unpaid periods) and wish to pay
lump-sum voluntary social insurance premiums for the missing periods shall be
entitled to monthly pension; the pension receipt time shall be conformable with
Clause 2, Article 5 of Circular No. 01/2016/TT-BLDTBXH dated February 18, 2016
of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
When unpaid social
insurance premiums have been covered by the employer or other financial source,
the period of payment of social insurance premiums (if any) will be added to
adjust the pension amount according to the relevant policy in effect at the
time when the previous pension was paid out. The difference in benefits will
then be paid to the employee from the mentioned time (not refunding the paid
voluntary social insurance premiums to be consistent with the guidance in
Official Dispatch No. 276/LDTBXH-BHXH dated February 6, 2023 of the Ministry of
Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs).
2.2. One-time payout of
social insurance benefits
a) As for beneficiaries
specified at Points b, c, d, Clause 1, Article 60 of the Law on Social
Insurance 2014:
Make one-time payout
corresponding to their actual period of payment of social insurance premiums.
If the unpaid social insurance money has been covered by the employer or other
financial source, the social security agency shall make an additional payout
related to the one-time payout as prescribed in point dd of this point.
b) As for beneficiaries
specified at Point a, Clause 1, Article 60 of the Law on Social Insurance in
2014 who have not paid full 20 years of social insurance premiums (including
the period that social insurance premiums have not been paid), the payout shall
be made as similar as the case in sub-point a of this point.
c) As for beneficiaries specified in Resolution
No. 93/2015/QH13 dated June 22, 2015 of the National Assembly who have not paid
social insurance premiums for at least full 20 years (including the period that
social insurance premiums have not been paid), the payout shall be made as
similar as the case in sub-point a of this point.
An employee's
eligibility for a lump-sum social insurance benefit is determined one year
after their resignation as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 1 of Resolution No.
93/2015/QH13. This is based on the time of their last resignation before the
employee applies for a lump-sum social insurance benefit.
d) When the unpaid
social insurance premium has been covered by the employer or other financial
source, the social security agency shall record and reserve the entire period
of additional payment. If the employee continues to participate in social
insurance, the time they paid additional social insurance premiums will be
added to the period of their continued participation in social insurance for
the purpose of calculating their social insurance benefit payout.
e) In case the unpaid
social insurance premium has been covered by the employer or another financial
source and the employee applies for a lump-sum social insurance benefit for the
additional payment period, the social security agency shall combine these two
periods in order to re-determine the new benefit amount according to the Law on
Social Insurance 2014 at the time of latter benefit payout and deduct the
re-determined benefit amount corresponding to the former period as the basis
for previous payout of lump-sum social insurance benefit, including the rounded
time (if any) for additional payment to employees.
* Employers that have
not fully paid social insurance premiums include:
- Employers that are in
bankruptcy proceedings;
- Employers that have
had the bankruptcy decision of the Court;
- Employers that no
longer operate at the registered address;
- Employers that have no
legal representative.
For Details:
of Enterprise Management.